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New CORMIX Developments

This page contains information about new developments and additions to the CORMIX system for mixing zone analysis.

Links to descriptions of features and capabilities of advanced pre- and post-processor tools available in various release versions of CORMIX can be found here.

The gallery has some excellent images of laboratory studies and field data, while the glossary and history can fill in the background.

Latest Developments:

  1. CORMIX v12.0 Released
    - MixZon Inc Release Jan 06th 2021
    - Update Released Sept 21st 2021
  2. CORMIX Online Training - Oct. 2024
    - More Info
  3. BrineDis Project
  4. Remote Sensing and Outfall Monitoring
  5. OR DEQ Regulatory Mixing Zone Internal Management Directive (IMD)
LIF Image of surface discharge into tidally reversing zone
An animated GIF of a laboratory study of a surface discharge into a tidal ambient.
Ambient current begins at 2 m/s right to left, then reverses. In tidal mode, CORMIX gives estimates of reduced dilution due to tidal re-entrainment. Minimum initial dilution generally occurs shortly after slack tide, when re-entrainment of the plume from the previous tidal cycle occurs. Laser Induced Fluorescent (LIF) images courtesy of J. Nash, DeFrees Hydraulics Laboratory, Cornell University.

Latest Developments:

1. CORMIX v12.0 Release by MixZon Inc - Jan. 2021

MixZon Inc announces the release of CORMIX version 12.0 (Update Released Sept 21st 2021)
Please visit the MixZon website at to download and evaluate this new release.

View - CORMIX Feature Comparison Table
View - CORMIX Quality Assurance - New Features, Updates & Fixed Bug List
View - CORMIX Licensing and Sales

2. CORMIX - Online Training - Oct. 2024

MixZon Inc is pleased to announce a web-based, online CORMIX training series that covers both introductory CORMIX topics.

The set of eight Introductory Classes each of 1 hour duration, offers interactive, online, web based training and will focus on regulatory background, definition of Mixing Zones, Mixing Processes and the CORMIX Mixing Zone model application and use with illustrative case studies.

For course schedule, contents, and registration Click Here

3. BrineDis Project Collaboration

CORMIX software has been updated and modified with new features and tools as part of the Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDREC) sponsored "BrineDis" project for Environmental planning, prediction and management of brine discharges from desalination plants.

To view the BrineDis project - Click Here

4. Remote Sensing and Outfall Monitoring

With USEPA SBIR Phase II program support, MixZon Inc has developed an aerial remote sensing system for monitoring water quality at site scales. We have demonstrated the ability of our platform to obtain geo-referenced water quality data from point source mixing zones.

More details about the aerial remote sensing project and MixZon Inc's outfall monitoring services are available at the following MixZon websites:

5. OR DEQ IMD on Regulatory Mixing Zone

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) OR DEQ has published its mixing zone guidance (officially known as the Regulatory Mixing Zone Internal Management Directive (IMD)) document.

The IMD went into effect on July 1, 2008.

OR DEQ now processes all completed and new permit applications received after this date under the guidelines contained in the IMD, as per their website.

The OR DEQ IMD documents can be downloaded from OR DEQ, using the links below:
  1. Part 1: Allocating Regulatory Mixing Zones (PDF) - Download
  2. Part 2: Reviewing Mixing Zone Studies (PDF) - download
  3. Fact Sheet: RMZ IMD (PDF) - download
  4. Memo: Implementing Oregon's RMZ IMD (PDF) - download